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Natalie Sisson

Natalie Sisson

Wellington, New Zealand

Natalie Sisson is an Amazon #1 bestselling author of The Suitcase Entrepreneur, podcaster, speaker and adventurer who believes everybody has the right to choose freedom in business and adventure in life.

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About the author

After 8 years in the corporate world, Natalie Sisson left her high paying job that was sucking the life out of her creativity and ability to put a dent in the world, and flew off to another country to play World Championship Ultimate Frisbee and start her first business.

After cutting her teeth in the entrepreneurial world as a cofounder of a technology startup, she went on to take her blog, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, and turn it into the thriving lifestyle business she can run from just a laptop and her smartphone.

Driven by her desire to obtain what most value so highly but few achieve – ultimate freedom, she spent the first two years hustling like crazy, making the same mistakes most new business owners do, and learning a lot of hard lessons before she developed the blueprint to building a thriving online business and her dream global lifestyle.

Now, through her blog, podcast, lifestyle videos, coaching, digital products, and programs, Natalie teaches thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to fast track their own business success and design a lifestyle they love through becoming leading learners, mediapreneurs and masters in outsourcing, social media and online tools through her blog, podcast, lifestyle videos, coaching and digital products and programs.

Natalie is a No #1 Bestselling Amazon Author, a contributor to Forbes, and has been featured on many other publications and media outlets including Yahoo Finance, Huffington Post, Guardian, Daily Mail, Sydney Herald, American Express Open Forum, Mashable, Visa Business Network, Social Media Today and PayPal.

Originally from New Zealand, Natalie has citizenship in the United Kingdom, permanent residence in Canada, has travelled to 69 countries to date and lived on 5 continents, all while running her business and living out of a suitcase, winning a Gold Medal in Beach Ultimate Frisbee and breaking a World Record in Dragon Boating.

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Success! The Freedom Plan has already sold 574 pre-orders , was pitched to 25 publishers , and will be published by Motivational Press .
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$9 Digital Copy of The Freedom Plan

138 readers

As a supporter, you'll receive your very own professionally designed ebook (PDF and Kindle) and a shout out on Social Media (Instagram, Twitter or Facebook).

1 copy + ebook included

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112 of 250 left

$19 Paperback and Digital Copy of The Freedom Plan

68 readers

The beautiful print copy of my book before anyone else gets it and the Digital version too (in PDF and Kindle).

1 copy + ebook included

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132 of 200 left

$29 Two copies and digital copy plus special THANK YOU

22 readers

You'll get both two paperback copies, the ebook copy and a special mention in the Thank You section of the book along with your name, because you rock.

2 copies + ebook included

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78 of 100 left

$49 Three Limited Edition Signed Paperback Copies

16 readers

You'll get three autographed copies of the Freedom Plan Paperback book, as well as the digital version, and a special mention in the Thank You section of the book along with your name, because you rock.

Plus you'll receive a special audio bonus that relates to what I teach in the Freedom Book and helps you make the most of it.

3 copies + ebook included

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34 of 50 left

$99 BONUS Live Video Call + Paperback and Digital versions

7 readers

In this 60 minute LIVE video workshop, I'll share the behind the scenes of what it takes to write, edit, publish and sell my book and the marketing and promotions plan behind it, so that you can apply this to your own upcoming book.

There will also be a Q+A time too and it will be recorded and sent to you.

You will also receive a paperback copy of the Freedom Plan and the ebook (PDF and Kindle) version too. And I will shout out to you in a special video update when the book comes out.

1 copy + ebook included

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43 of 50 left

$500 Featured Sponsor on my Podcast and 10 Paperback copies Sold out

3 readers

You'll get one Sponsored Episode on my Suitcase Entrepreneur Podcast, that receives over 30,000 downloads per month, in which to promote your product, service or project and have a call to action for listeners to take.

You will also be featured in an exclusive blog post on the Suitcase Entrepreneur blog and promoted in my newsletter to my global community. This also includes 10 copies of the book for your company or to give to customers.

10 copies + ebook included

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$699 Lifetime Access to the Freedom Plan Program + 10 Paperback copies

0 readers

The Freedom Plan program is the World’s FIRST online program designed to ensure you create your own unique Freedom Plan.

Since I launched it in late 2014, hundreds of members from around the world in a large range of industries and businesses have used this program to change or transform their Mindset, Business or Lifestyle.

It is broken down into 3 stages and 12 rich modules (step by step video learning, audio and transcripts) + action focused 'missions' to ensure you 'do' the work and get results.

First you’ll get clear on your vision for life and the mindset you need to create your ideal lifestyle, then you’ll learn the right business model for you to support it, and how to create the right environment and network of people in which to live and work in true freedom.

If you want to be able to live and work anywhere in the world, make more money, work less and have more freedom all while making an impact in the world then this program is for you.

You'll get lifetime access to the DIY program immediately so you can work through this self-paced program and dive into the modules that most serve your current situation right now.

Plus you'll get 10 paperback copies of the Freedom Plan book.

10 copies

Free shipping

20 of 20 left

$2400 One Spot at My Portugal Freedom Retreat in July + 10 Signed Copies

1 reader

You'll get to enjoy my 4 day Freedom Mastermind Retreat in Porto, Portugal from July 14-17 to work on your business, mindset and lifestyle.

The Portugal Mastermind Includes over $8,000 in value including:

*Full day masterminding session (valued over $2,000 and some say priceless)
*An exclusive expert session with Joana Galvao on Website Design that converts (valued at $1,000)
*Three exclusive sessions with yours truly, Natalie Sisson on Sexy Freedom Systems, Outsourcing Magic and the Mindset Principles to Think and Grow Rich (worth $3,000+)
*Three nights accommodation in your own double room at the Hotel Teatro.
*Welcome drink hour on Thursday with your fellow freedom fighters
*All meals
*Full guided half day Wine Tour.
*Porto River cruise, drinks and nibbles then a farewell drink on Sunday
*Follow up 60 minute group accoutability Google Hangout session with Natalie
*Incredible takeaways and unforgettable moments

Details are here

Plus I'll give you 10 personally autographed paperback copies and of course send you a digital eBook.

20 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

4 of 5 left

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Update #7 - I have a publisher! Feb. 28, 2018


Just a few days after my last update I had several conversations with a couple of publishers and I'm thrilled to that I chose to publish with Motivational Press.

I'm making updates (many that you suggested) to the manuscript and expect to see a cover design soon based off the information I've provided within a few days time.

Once both are approved I can give you an approximate publishing date for later this year.
It's happening!

Natalie xo