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Ginny Whitelaw

Ginny Whitelaw

Annapolis, Maryland

Zen Master, scientist, senior leader at NASA, black belt Aikidoist and 25 years developing leaders: these streams run through Dr. Ginny Whitelaw, bringing you a book only she could write.

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About the author

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Zen Leadership, a Zen Master in Rinzai Zen, as well as President of Focus Leadership. A biophysicist by training, she combines a deep scientific background with senior leadership experience at NASA, and 25 years coaching and developing global leaders. She is a recognized expert in leadership development and mind-body, ande has written several books, including The Zen Leader and Move to Greatness. She also co-developed the FEBI®, which measures 4 patterns in the nervous system linking mind, body and behaviors, and trains practitioners worldwide in applying FEBI in their work.

Dr. Whitelaw spent 10 years at NASA, where she became the Deputy Manager for integrating the International Space Station, for which she received NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal. She holds a Ph.D. in Biophysics, as well as a B.S. in Physics, a B.A. in Philosophy, and a 5th degree black belt in Aikido.
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$20 Resonate with the Author

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1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book, "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.

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$40 Resonate with a Friend

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2 Copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + $100 off an IZL foundational program. ($140 value)

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$100 Resonate in Your Book Club

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5 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank you mention in the book + $100 off an IZL foundational program. ($200 value).

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$200 Resonate with Your Team

12 readers

10 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book + FREE one hour live Q&A webinar with the author exclusively for your team ($800 value)

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$600 Resonate with Your Organization

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30 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + invitation to the book launch + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book + FREE one hour live Q&A webinar with the author exclusively for your organization ($1200 value)

30 copies + ebook included

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$1000 Get a Whole Group Resonating

8 readers

50 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book + FREE 2 hour live webinar workshop with the author exclusively for your group + 1 full scholarship to an IZL foundational program ($3500 value)

50 copies + ebook included

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$2500 An Event that Resonates

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100 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book and your company's name listed as a sponsor + FREE 2 hour live webinar workshop with the author exclusively for your group + 2 full scholarships to an IZL foundational program. ($5800 value)

100 copies + ebook included

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$5000 Resonate Live

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200 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book and your company's name listed as a sponsor + in-person keynote or 3 hr workshop with the author in the U.S. or Canada (excludes expenses, $8000 value)

200 copies + ebook included

$70 shipping

$8000 Resonate and Co-Create

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200 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Resonate" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book and your company's name listed as a sponsor + FREE full scholarship to attend an IZL program + LIVE, in-person, 1-day workshop with the author, customized to your organization in the U.S. or Canada (excludes expenses, $13500 value)

200 copies + ebook included

$70 shipping

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Update #13 - Will Your Resonate Pre-Order Be Able to Find You? Sept. 15, 2020

Can you feel the vibe? Resonate’s launch date is less than a month away and early copies are starting to come out.  Deep in the heart of IZL, Bill Kingsbury, our Program and Operations Manager, is preparing to ship the books to people like you who pre-ordered in August of 2019.

Of course, a lot has changed since then (to understate the obvious), and maybe you’re not where you were a year ago. In order to make sure your books find you, Bill will be sending you an email to confirm your address. Please be on the lookout this week for an email from "Get Resonate to You" Review the address we have and reply with an update if needed. If the address is still good, no action necessary.

Three times happy to see this book happen!  Thanks again for your role in it.  Ginny