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Denise Darlene

Denise Darlene

California, United States

Denise Darlene is a Transformational Love Coach, Author of "Real Passion Revolution", and Spiritual Teacher.

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About the author

Denise Darlene focuses her coaching on transforming the way people Love themselves and others. Her passion is supporting people to experience the highest quality relationships possible through an unconventional approach to healing and happiness.

Denise has been a student of human behavior, of God, and of Love, for about 38 years now. She is a retired nurse, a Transformational Love Coach, an ordained minister, a certified Biblical Counselor, and Spiritual teacher. The majority of her Spiritual life was spent in the traditional Christian faith until 2003. While Denise considers herself a student of Jesus, her Spiritual studies are extensive, therefore, she does not subscribe to all of the traditional doctrines taught in the Christian faith. Denise respects and honors everyone’s Spiritual journey.

Due to the high failure rate of romantic relationships as well as her own challenging relationship of thrity-three years, Denise felt compelled to find real solutions to very real issues in an ancient domestication system that doesn't work. Out of her own struggles, personal growth, and Spiritual evolution, Denise developed a powerful relationship program and birthed, "Real Passion Revolution: 10 Secret Ingredients for Healed, Health, Happy Relationships.

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Success! Real Passion Revolution has already sold 330 pre-orders , was pitched to 23 publishers , and will be self published .

$20 Love is Patient

81 readers

You'll be among the first to receive my brand new book - Real Passion Revolution - hot off the presses on Valentines Day. Plus you'll receive the Kindle version too, which is perfect to take with you wherever you go for easy reading while waiting in lines or for an appointment.

But wait.... you'll also receive my heartfelt gratitude on Facebook, a free hug, and the good karma of making the world a more loving place.

All for only $20 bucks! xoxo

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

69 of 150 left

$40 Love is Kind

3 readers

When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Perhaps your intuition is quietly urging you to get one copy for yourself and an extra copy of Real Passion Revolution for that friend who is desperately unhappy in their current relationship.

Pause + Listen + Action = LOVE!

One of the fundamental principles I desire to bring to your awareness is that you have a compass within you that directs you to what is in your best interest. It takes a little practice to get the hang of, but this book will be your teacher.

The Kindle version is included too. Plus I'll give you some love on Facebook, and of course, a hug when our paths cross in person.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

2 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

147 of 150 left

$80 Love Gives

1 reader

This option sets you up to both Give and Receive. It comes with 4 copies of my book, plus the Kindle version, AND the audio-book version of Real Passion Revolution!

Imagine my gentle voice and revolutionary teachings swimming around your head when you don't have the opportunity to be reading a book. Like when you are commuting, running, working or showering. It's a pretty sweet Win-Win.

You keep one copy of my book for yourself and bless a few friends with the rest - they will thank you, I promise!.

Of course, Facebook love and hugs are always included too.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

4 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

$125 Bronze Sponsor

5 readers

Who doesn't like seeing their name in print? Honestly?

Your support for creating a Real Passion Revolution will be gratefully noted in the book as a Bronze Sponsor. I suspect this book will eventually get into the hands of Oprah and, who knows, maybe she'll pause on your name and give a moment of thanksgiving that you and others were the first to recognize the global impact of this book. You are an early adopter, my friend. But, of course, you knew that.

You'll get 6 copies of Real Passion Revolution (with your name in it) + the Kindle version + the audio-book + all the fame that comes from your name being in my book.

I'll also include you in the Real Passion Revolution Private Facebook Page where you can share your successes and struggles in a community of supportive non-judgmental students.

Wow! That's a smokin' deal!

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

6 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

$250 Silver Sponsor

1 reader

OK, if you are still reading, you are either searching for an epic deal and/or you have deep pockets and you really want to help a first-time author become a best seller:) Either way, here's what's behind door #5.

You'll be listed as a Silver Sponsor in the front of my book and receive 12 copies to give to friends, family, and co-workers. You are a Revolutionary Lover! And because you are so supportive, I'd like to help you process through an issue you are struggling with. Remember, I create Win-Win relationships.

So, My Friend, with your $250 contribution towards my success on Amazon's best seller list, I'd like to offer you a complimentary coaching session. I'm available via phone, video call, or in person if you are in So Cal.

I'll also add you to the Real Passion Revolution Private Facebook Page if you'd like additional support from me and other students. Yippie!

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

12 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

$500 Gold Sponsor

3 readers

Yes, you guessed it. Gold Sponsorship gets you lots of gold stars! You are listed in the front of my book as a Gold Sponsor and we are sure to become friends.

"Friends?" you ask. Yes! I'll be taking you out for dinner in Newport Beach, CA. I'll buy dinner, you just have to drive yourself out here or fly your private plane to Orange County. Sound good?

Dinner with a Love Coach over some yummy food and a nice glass of wine. That's a winning investment! Sharing a meal and deep conversation is powerful healing medicine.

Additionally, you'll have 25 of my brand new books with your name in them! If you know 25 people, you know 25 people who could use some support with their relationships. You can start a book club with your friends! Just think about it, your gift is about to dramatically impact the lives of 24 other people to experience love and happiness like they never dreamed possible! You're such an awesome friend - I'm glad your mine!

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

24 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

$1200 Platinum Sponsor

0 readers

Hello, Platinum Sponsor!

I've got 60 books for you with your name in it as a Platinum Sponsor. These make life-changing gifts to share with your employees, clients, and/or extended family. Healed, Healthy, Happy relationships increase connection, authenticity, and productivity.

Additionally, you'll have two tickets to ReNew - A 1-day Transformational Love Course in Southern California in March 2017. If you cannot attend the live workshop in March, I'll trade you for four video coaching sessions. Deal?

Plus, you'll be further equipped with ReInvent, my 10-week online Transformational Love Curriculum.

I'll also enroll you into my Real Passion Revolution Private Facebook Group.

You will be a Love Guru when I'm finished with you--I promise.

*If you don't have 60 friends or family members to give my book to, you can donate some of them to a good cause. Joe and I will be giving away free copies to women's shelters, recovery groups, troubled young adults, and other worthy causes we run into along our path.

We will touch base with you once the campaign is closed to fulfill your order according to your wishes.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, My Friend!

60 copies + ebook included

$20 shipping

$2500 Diamond Sponsor

1 reader

Diamond Sponsors are a girl's best friend :)

In exchange for dropping some big bucks, I'll promise to take excellent care of you. As my newest Best Friend, we'll have lots to talk about.

In addition to the 125 books I'll be shipping you (you are about to bless a lot of people) as my "Bestie," you'll have a Love Coach on call for a month of conversations and transformation. You can't buy Love, but you can buy a Love Coach for a month.

You will also be given access to my Real Passion Revolution Private Facebook Group to share your successes and struggles in a loving environment. And, learn from a group of wonderful, committed, revolutionary lovers like yourself.

I am celebrating your commitment to healing and wholeness, even right now as I type this. Your life is about to change radically! Prepare to let go of your past disappointments and wounds and get ready for a new paradigm - My Friend.

*If you don't have 100 friends or family members to give my book to, (which would be shocking because you are such an amazing person) you can donate some of them to a good cause. Joe and I will be giving free copies to women's shelters, recovery groups, troubled young adults, and other worthy causes we run into along our path.

We will touch base once the campaign is closed to fulfill your order according to your wishes.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, my newest Best Friend!

125 copies + ebook included

$25 shipping

9 of 10 left

$5000 Monarch Sponsor

0 readers

I am your humble servant, Your Majesty.

You are a powerful woman, or driven man of great influence and your kingdom is vast, and yet there is a longing in your heart for something you have been unable to attain.

The wisest advisors in your realm have offered the same, temporary, performance-based solutions which do not satisfy your longing nor heal your past shame, guilt, and your broken heart.

All the king's horses and all the king's men cannot put you back together again. But, the Kings/Queens Love Coach is at your beck and call for two transformational months of on-call healing and restoration.

Because you are royalty, you and your lover or friend will be my special VIP guests at ReNew - A 1-Day Transformational Love Course in March 2017.

Plus, you may register for, or give as a gift, ReInvent - A 10 Week online Transformational Love Curriculum to delve deeper into the powerful concepts I teach.

Your presence is always welcome in my Real Passion Revolution Private Facebook Group as well.

I've heard it's very lonely at the top. As your Majesties advisor, I suggest we focus on your healing so that you can return to your thrown with your whole heart for your loved ones. You shall be known as Lion Heart...or something like that. And you'll have 250 hundred books to disperse this new found wisdom to your loyal subjects.

*If you don't have 250 friends, family members, or loyal subjects to give my book to, you can donate some of them to a good cause. Joe and I will be giving free copies to women's shelters, recovery groups, troubled young adults, and other worthy causes we run into along our path.

We will touch base with you once the campaign is closed to fulfill your order according to your wishes.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, Your Majesty!

250 copies + ebook included

$40 shipping

3 of 3 left

$10000 Imperial Sponsor

0 readers

How may I serve you, Emperor?

I have traveled a long distance to come to your assistance. Are the rumors of your sleepless nights accurate?

What disturbs your peace, Emperor?

I have powerful solutions for your problems, oh great and generous Emperor. Look no further. You can be happy and fulfilled. We should begin at once...

I understand that time is more precious than riches to you. As my one and only Imperial Sponsor, I shall recommend three intensive days of face to face, heart to heart healing and training. I will come to your kingdom when your time permits and teach you all that I have learned from Enlightened Masters.

You shall also receive a lifetime pass to my online courses, and live workshops as well as two months of on-call coaching, lessons, and support - as I am truly at your service. You may donate a portion or all of these bonuses to a friend or family member in need.

Your Enlightenment will set you free and place you on a path of peace and self-awareness you've never imagined possible. Your family will celebrate your transformation for generations to come as the legacy you leave will be one of extraordinary love!

You are a natural-born Leader. We can only take others as far as we have gone ourselves. Your healing will bring happiness to your entire kingdom as you lead them in this new way of loving.

*If you don't have 500 friends, family members, or devoted fans to give my book to, you can donate some of them to a good cause. Joe and I will be giving free copies to women's shelters, recovery groups, troubled young adults, and other worthy causes we run into along our path.

We will touch base with you once the campaign is closed to fulfill your order according to your wishes.

Cheers to Love, and Welcome to the Revolution, Emperor!

500 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

1 of 1 left

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Update #4 - Getting Closer Jan. 31, 2017

Greetings Revolutionary Lovers! 

We are getting closer everyday to reaching our goal of 500 pre-orders! Tonight, Joe and I are committed to reach 300 orders (only 10 to go). 

We have one week left in this campaign - it ends next Sunday. If everyone on this list could encourage just one of your friends, who you know are less than blissful in their relationship, to order a copy of Real Passion Revolution, Joe and I would get on our roof and dance under the stars! 

You might even consider getting them a copy yourself! What IF that small investment healed their relationship and set them on the path for a Happily-Ever-Always? I'd bet they would name their first born after you - or put you in their will - or something awesome like that! 

Just think about it, and act on your intuition! 

Cheers to Love, My Friends!