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Laura Schuurmans

Laura Schuurmans

Jakarta, Indonesia

Laura is an independent writer and researcher. She has been actively working on the unresolved Kashmir dispute for over a decade.

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About the author

Laura Schuurmans (Dutch) is an independent writer and researcher. She has been actively working on international security issues in the wider South Asia region, with a prime focus on the unresolved Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. She actively started to analyze the Kashmir conflict from 2008 onwards, and has been publishing on the issue in a variety of international newspapers and academic journals. 

She also participated in a variety of international seminars in both Asia and Europe. From 2011-2013, she was a post-graduate researcher at Peking University in Beijing, which is one of Asia’s leading universities. During this period, she focused on China’s foreign policies with neighboring countries including Pakistan, India, and also Iran. Based in Jakarta where she has lived for over twenty years, she has actively witnessed the development of the political Islam in one of the world’s most populated Muslim nation, adding to more in-depth understanding of international security issues that involve religion, and which potentially could turn into extremes and into violence. 

Starting in 2015, she has primarily focused on writing her book on the Kashmir dispute. On an almost daily basis, she has been interacting with people from the Kashmir region to generate more understanding of today's ground realities and the overall regional dynamics. She visited the Pakistani side of Kashmir on various occasions. The main purpose of her book is to bring the aggrieved parties of the conflict together and find ways and means to initiate a long lasting peace dialogue. Due to the political sensitivity of the Kashmir dispute, she has rejected any financial assistance enabling her to take all viewpoints into an objective perspective. 

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Update #6 - Another publisher has shown interest July 10, 2019

Dear Friends around the world,

Just to inform you that another academic publisher has now requested the manuscript. This one is based in the United Kingdom.

...This publisher is specialized in emerging academic research and maintains high-level intellectual quality of the books. All manuscripts go through rigorous peer reviews by recognized experts in the field...

I will keep you posted.

Warmest regards,

Laura Schuurmans