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Mike Will

Mike Will

Los Angeles, California

Mike Will Downey is a writer and entrepreneur in California. He loves stories that promote kindness, compassion, love, caring, giving, heart, and soul. In his early years, Downey won the Minnie Hite Moodie Writers Award & was a journalist in Ohio. He has helped many charities with youth programs and completed a mission with Save Our Youth in Mexico. In 2007, he sold his Colorado-based sports high-tech social application to 212 Media. In 20 years Downey has published over 3,000 songs, started four businesses, written 7 screenplays, & worked with various Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rockies, and Denver Broncos players.

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Update #6 - A Golden Heart is Nearing FulFillment Feb. 28, 2016

Hey everyone! I've been writing everyday a lot, and have narrowed your book down to a powerful 19 chapters. They were running on a bit too long so I shouldered my axe and chopped each chapter down, now running between 10 to 15 pages. The key was not to lose great description, multiple characters including a protagonist and villain, exciting plot points, and tremendous lessons. I've worked hard to make the book flow quickly, like a movie.

My goal is to take you on a journey where you can forget about everyday life for a moment and imagine going to the woods to be found. Normally we see stories where someone is lost in the woods, attacked by an evil witch, subjected to torture, hunted, or mauled. Quite the opposite in A Golden Heart : Journey to Equilibrium - it's a universe where bad things are turned to good, and hearts are melded. There's still plenty of action, scares, thrills, chills, and parts that will bring you to tears.

I'm sending it off to the professional editor this Friday and will take a couple weeks away from it, before the last polish, and delivery to the printer so I can ship your orders, and embark on the A Golden Heart tour! 

My birthday is on April 12 and that's the intended public release date, but I intend to ship your order before that. 

Chapter List

1. Spirit Walker (Morning One)
2. Devil Greeter (Day One)
3. Ghost Chaser (Night One)
4. Shadowkeeper (Morning Two)
5. Flame Breather (Day Two)
6. Star Counter (Night Two)
7. Seed Planter (Morning Three)
8. Flow Caster (Day Three)
9. Mind Releaser (Night Three)

10. Cloud Drifter (Morning Four)
11. Brave Rider (Day Four)
12. Cloaked Breather (Night Four)
13. Firefly Catcher (Morning Five)
14. Love Dreamer (Day Five)
15. Sound Weaver (Night Five)

16. Noble Fighter (Morning Six)
17. Thunder Dancer (Day Six)
18. Fire Refiner (Night Six)
19. Mission Charger (Morning Seven)